Wednesday, June 4, 2008


From The Doggybone Newsletter......Why you should "go offshore"

Dear Blog Reader,
A lot of bad publicity has been spread about "offshore" the last few years.

There are two main reasons - on the surface. First, 9-11 gave western governments, particularly the USA, an apparently legitimate reason for wanting to control International money transfers, so all banks, world-wide, are now demanding ID from anyone who opens an account, regardless where and what account. Hardly any banks will offer anonymous accounts any more - and the few that still do will become fewer, and soon disappear because of the International pressure on such governments.

The second reason is that not only terrorists, but also criminals have been using offshore entities extensively as instruments for their scams.

You are not necessarily a mass murder because you own a gun, though.... And you are not necessarily a reckless driver because you own a fancy sports car.

And, as very clearly proven by the US government's ridiculous detaining of thousands of people of Arab origin, you are not necessarily a terrorist because you call your god "Allah". In fact, after more than 50,000 such arrests, not a single charge of terrorism has been filed yet...

So, who is terrorizing whom?

The issue of control - transforming free citizens into slaves Regardless all the apparently "relevant" reasons for fighting terrorism and crime, most western governments have been welcoming both terrorism and crime because they provided government with these two excellent reasons for tightening the control over their own citizens, so they can consolidate their own power and collect taxes more effectively - which, again, allows them to collect more taxes. Don't be naive. This is not a matter of "protecting" people. It is a matter of controlling them.

You do not need to assume that the mastermind behind 9-11 was within the US government. You can ignore all that proof, if you want. But even if you accept the government's completely obvious lies and you accept that it is OK for it to keep evidence closed from public scrutiny and also to deny the fact that is it physically impossible for three buildings to collapse as they did, after being hit by just two airplanes; further that it has no explanation how an airplane that allegedly hit the Pentagon literally can evaporate without leaving a single trace of metal; and how to explain that the war on Iraq was declared two days after, without any evidence whatsoever being known that could link Iraq to those attacks, then it remains a fact that the government most definitely has "seized the moment" to seriously tighten the control of Americans - with laws that are no different from what brought Hitler the power in 1933 to basically do what he wanted , completely ignoring all human rights and eliminating all possible opposition.

The US government, as well as most other western governments, shy no means to achieve their goal: complete control over their citizens. Using lies and false propaganga is obviously not a moral issue for them, as long as it works. And it does. As Hitler's propaganda minister Joseph Göbbels once said: "When you tell a lie often enough, people will eventually believe in it as the truth."

Let it be clear that your government does not want you to "go offshore", if it by any means can stop you from doing it. "Any means" includes "filling you with lies and scaremonger".

The catch is your tax return. The government can freely demand whatever it wants, in terms of information from you about your personal financial affairs and your connections to financial institutions and foreign legal entities. By threatening you with all kinds of "bad things" if you put your signature to false information, including a claim that the information in this tax return is indeed "completely" and "accurate", the government really "holds you by the balls". But this only holds, as long as you are doing something that is defined as "forbidden"....

However, all simple schemes that have worked for many thousands of people in the past are now included as "forbidden" on your tax return. Initiating the establishment of a foreign legal entity and assuming any office for such an entity most definitely are included on this "no-go" list for you.

It is tempting to conclude that, after 9-11, "going offshore" is "dead". Many prominent commentators (all of whom make their income based on a salary from a business whose existence depends on a government license...) claim that it cannot be done legally in a way that benefits the person doing it.

That's exactly what the government wants you to believe....

Reality is that the only things that really have changed since 9-11 are these:

*Banking is no longer a private matter, but fully and completely controlled by government.

* Most western governments have introduced legislation that strips their own citizens of their fundamental Constitutional rights if they are suspected for collaboration with terrorist organizations.

* All western governments have welcomed the opportunity to add man-power in the area of catching tax-evaders while pretending to search for terrorists...

That's it! Nothing else has changed. No laws in any western country I know of has been changed in regards to making "offshore engagement" illegal, or in any other way make such activities criminal.

But a lot of people were already in the nineties using offshore entities in an illegal way, particularly thousands of Americans who opened accounts in other countries in their own names - and failed to report to their government about those accounts, ignoring their own Constitution! Before 9-11, the government did not have powers to stop this - as it could not control Internal banking. After 9-11, that changed. And suddenly, all these Americans (and others...), who had been happily breaking the laws for years, got caught "with their hands in the cookie jar"!

Sure, there was a lot of crime revealed in very short time. But all those who had done it legally in the nineties simply continue to it, also after 9-11. No difference. Their numbers are growing, not diminishing. The advantages from doing it are also growing, not diminishing. But they keep a low profile... they do not "blow their trumpet in the sleeping dragon's den"! They have no interest in attracting the media's attention. They just want to enjoy their freedom - and they certainly do!

The media, however, consist of people who do not have what it takes to become a successful business person or investor. If they did, they would not be working as salary slaves for the media! They do not include any representatives of people who are enjoying their freedom offshore (at least none who will admit to it) - so they do not have any sympathy for the idea of "going offshore", as they plain simply do not know anything about it. And they don't care. Their interest in this is exclusively a matter of being able to bring "news", sensation, scandals, and "stories" that attract their audiences and promote their careers. They have no mandate for public education or balanced presentation of facts.

Neither does the government! The government is more than happy about spreading all these crime stories. The more it can scare people to not even give "offshore" a thought, the more tax money it can collect. There is no mystery in that.

And the people who have been doing this "offshore thing" for long time? The people who know how to do this, legally? Well, they too have no interest in "stirring the pot" and attracting public attention. The more they can make the government and the media believe that "offshore" is "out", the more they can enjoy their freedom in privacy and without harassment!

So, where do you turn to get serious and honest information about this?

When you find the answer, please let me know too!

J What are the benefits?

As we have discussed many times, there numerous benefits from establishing a presence "offshore". The key to them all is PRIVACY. From that follow all these:

* Asset protection - of personal assets, as well as business assets.

* Possibly complete elimination of business income tax.

* Complete elimination of all kinds of taxes on capital gain, interest, and other investment income and ROI.

* Multiple possibilities for significant tax reductions on personal income.

* Transfer of Estate exactly as you want - with no limitation on choice of heir(s), and with no Probate, no taxes, and no legal fees.

* Ability to pay others without making them incur tax liability for the payments.

The exact structure you need for these will vary with the specific need. For a more complete overview, please check out

When should you do this? The answer: before you start making any serious money in excess of what you consume on a day-to-day basis.

Once you have accumulated some serious wealth in your personal name, transferring those assets to offshore entities is not simple - and generally not cheap either... Instead of looking at an investment of, say $2,000-4,000 for your offshore structure, you could easily be looking at $10,000-15,000 instead - just because you waited....

I already discussed also in detail what kind of hassle you run into just by transferring an offshore investment interest to a Trust. Once you include other assets, like real estate, cars, and other tangible goods of significant value compared to your yearly income, the transfers can become tedious and expensive - simply because your government does not want to let go of its control of you!

It is so much easier to create wealth with offshore entities than it is to first create it yourself and then later transfer it! Not only is the transfer at zero cost when you create the wealth with your offshore entities - but your offshore entities also have a tax-free environment to grow your investments in! If you understand just a little bit about "accumulated interest", then you will also understand that this alone can make the difference between your being able to retire wealthy or poor.

Is it legal? Will my government approve of it?

The answers are: "yes", and "no". "Yes" to the question of it being legal. "No" to the question of your government approving of it.

For more details on this, you should check out - it gives an overview of the things you should consider, so you can make up your mind if this is for you or not.

Seriously, if you feel the need for obtaining your government's approval of what you do, you are not a free person.... But, with this, I am not implying that you should do anything illegal. I am just suggesting that you accept the fact that your government is not the law. In fact, most governments are quick to break the law themselves when it fits them. Even their Constitution! And, just for illustration: in the USA, it has been proven that the government's representatives, when being asked questions about the tax laws, are outright wrong in more than 38% of all answers! Government employees are not hired to give legal advice to citizens about how to take advantage of the tax laws. They are hired to provide the maximum possible income for the government, assuming that everybody else is wrong till proven right.

The USA is even paying people a reward that amounts to 15-30% of the additionally collectible taxes to any person who gives them a tip about someone else "cheating"... So, spying on your neighbor can indeed be very profitable!

Do you have respect for this? You don't need to. And you really shouldn't. But you should still have respect for the power your government has to crush you! Yet even children know that it is not always the strongest that is right... Next time, we will dig a little deeper into the issues of privacy and control....

To your freedom!
Mogens Eliasen

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